人文特征 Human Geographical Characteristics
地址:甘肃省临夏回族自治州永靖县杨塔乡炳灵寺石窟 Address:
地质公园北部永靖县距省会兰州市 74km,南部和政县距兰州 116km,通往地质公园的道路以省道公路为骨架,构成了四通八达的交通网络,交通十分便捷。兰合铁路已经开工建设,将在临夏州设有临夏站、临夏南站等,届时将大大改善该区的交通现状。地质公园所在地临夏是中华文明的重要起源地之一,早在 5000 多年以前就有先民居住于黄河沿岸,为羌戎之地。这里是我国新石器文化最集中、考古发掘最多的地区之一,马家窑文化、半山文化、齐家文化等文化遗产享誉世界,被誉为“中国彩陶之乡”,著名的齐家文化在探源华夏文明方面具有十分重要的意义。这里曾是古丝绸之路南道要冲、唐蕃古道重镇、茶马互市中心,素有“西部旱码头”的美誉。临夏地质公园所在地临夏回族自治州是中国两个回族自治州之一,涉及临夏回族自治州的永靖县、和政县、东乡县、临夏市、广河县、临夏县等六个县(市),66 个乡镇,公园内有人口 116.6 万,包括其中有回、汉、东乡、保安、撒拉等 31 个民族。其中,东乡族和保安族是以临夏为主要聚居区的甘肃特有少数民族。以东乡族和保安族等为代表的少数民族,形成了公园内特色民族文化。共有临夏砖雕、河洲贤孝、东乡族擀毡、松鸣岩花儿会等9 项国家级非物质文化遗产。地质公园也是世界非物质文化遗产——民歌“甘肃花儿”的重要发源地,2004 年地质公园内的永靖被联合国教科文组织确定为“民歌考察采录地”。临夏州被中国民间文学艺术家协会授予“中国花儿之乡”。公园中部的八坊十三巷是集民族文化、建筑艺术、地方乡居为一体的知名人文景观。该地区的经济主要以农业、农产品加工业和旅游业为特色。近年来,政府将旅游与文化、体育、商贸融合发展,成功举办了一系列旅游推介活动,改善了大量旅游基础设施,在和政古动物化石产地中心打造了博物馆群和相应景区,永靖县依托黄河三峡沿河景观,打造了水、陆、空立体游览线路;临夏市则将八坊十三巷、六十里牡丹长廊打造为旅游新地标,使得旅游业成为带动地方发展的龙头。临夏地质公园的建设将会有力地推动中国国家乡村振兴战略的实施和文明村镇建设,进一步促进地方旅游业的发展。

Yongjing county in north of the geopark is 74km from Lanzhou city--the capital of Gansu province and Hezheng county in south of the geopark is 116km from Lanzhou. Provincial highway and an extensive transport network make it very convenient to access to the geopark. Lanzhou-Hezuo railway has been under construction. Linxia Station and South Linxia Station along the railway in Linxia Prefecture will completely change the current transportation of the region. The geopark is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese Civilization. About 5000 years ago, ancestors settled on the bank of the Yellow River, forming communities of ethnic minorities of ancient China. Linxia is also one of regions with the most concentrations of Neolithic culture and the most archaeological excavations in China. Because the Majiayao, Banshan, Qijia and other cultural heritages are well knowned in the world, Linxia is honoured as the home of Chinese painted pottery. The famous Qijia Culture plays an important role in exploring Chinese Civilization and commercial circulation. Due to being an important station of southern thoroughfares of ancient Silk Road, Linxia is known as the Western Land Trading Center.Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture is one of the two Hui autonomous prefectures in China. Linxia Geopark includes 66 towns of Yongjing County, Hezheng County, Dongxiang County, Linxia City, Guanghe County, Linxia County and. The geopark has a population of 1.166 million, including 31nationalities such as Hui, Han, Dongxiang, Baoan and Sala nationalities. Dongxiang and Baoan minorities, mainly concentrating in Linxia, are unique minorities in Gansu. Represented by Dongxiang and Baoan minorities, minorities have formed distinctive local culture in the geopark. There are 9 national intangible cultural heritages including Songmingyan Hua’er, Linxia Brick Carving, Hezhou Xianxiao (tell stories by singing with instruments) and Felt Making of Dongxiang nationality. The geopark is also the cradle of folk song Hua’er, a kind of World Intangible Cultural Heritage. In 2004, Yongjing in the geopark was identified as the “Place for folk song investigation and collection” by UNESCO. Linxia Prefecture is awarded “The home of Hua’er in China” by Chinese Folk Literature and Artists Association. Bafang Shisanhang (Bafang thirteen lanes) within the geopark is famous cultural landscape combing local culture, architectural art with villeggiatura. The economy in the area can be characterized by agriculture, agricultural product processing industry and tourism. In recent years, the government has integrated tourism with culture, sports and commerce and has successfully held a series of tourism promotion activities. Lots of tourism infrastructure has been improved. The museums were built in the center of the fossil origin of mammalian faunas in Hezheng County. Relying on the landscape along the three Gorges of the Yellow River, a stereoscopic tour route of water, land and air has been built in Yongjing County. , Bafang Shisanhang (Bafang thirteen lanes) and Peony Corridor has become a new tourist landmarks in Linxia city, which makes tourism an impetus to promote local development.Linxia Geopark applying for UNESCO global geopark will strongly promote the implementation of the National Rural Revitalization Strategy and the establishment of civilized towns and villages and will further advance the development of local tourism