地质灾害及防范常识 Geological disasters and prevention knowledge
发布时间: 2021-08-03 Add Time: 2021-08-03


我国地质灾害前三位为滑坡、崩塌及泥石流,其中尤以滑坡发生最多,占地质灾害的 7 成以上。在临夏地质公园内有两处较大的滑坡遗址,分别为永靖黑方台滑坡和东乡洒勒山滑坡。











Geological disaster refers to the geological process (phenomenon) formed under the action of natural or human factors, causing damage and loss to human life, property and environment. The common ones are collapses, landslides, debris flows, land subsidence, ground fissures and so on.

The top three geological disasters in China are landslides, collapses and debris flows, especially landslides which account for more than 70% of geological disasters. There are two large landslide sites in Linxia Geopark, namely Heifangtai Landslide in Yongjing and Saleshan Landslide in Dongxiang.

Emergency protection measures for collapses and landslides

·Do not shelter from rain, rest or walk under dangerous rocks, and do not climb dangerous rocks.

·In summer, you should listen to the weather forecast before you go to visit the mountain valley. You should not enter the mountain valley after heavy rain or even cloudy as well as rainy days.

·In case of collapses and landslides, please immediately leave the rock-soil taxiway and escape to the stable area on both sides. Remember not to run up or down the rock-soil.

Emergency protection measures of debris flows

·Residents in debris flows prone areas should pay attention to their living environment and be familiar with escaping routes.

·Pay attention to the early warning of government departments and the precursor of debris flows, inform each other and prepare in time before the disaster.

·When camping, the flat highland should be selected as the camp, and the concave bank with curved river (ditch) or convex bank with narrow and low height should be avoided. Do not set up camp sheds in ditches or low places in ditches.

·In case of rainstorms or heavy rains in the valley, it is necessary to quickly move to a safe highland instead of sheltering in the valley or steep hillside.

·If there is any indications of debris flows, please run to the hillsides on both sides of the gullies. Never run up or down along the ditches.