G003 桦林三趾马古动物化石点(晚中新世柳树组) G003 Hualin Hipparion locality (Late Miocene)
地址:甘肃省临夏回族自治州临夏市红园街道红园新村路北八巷24号 Address:NO. No.24 Hongyuanxincun Road North 8th Alley Gansu Linxia Linxia

化石点位于和政县松鸣镇桦林,化石层为一套河湖相沉积,近浅棕色块状泥质粉砂岩,含大量不规则形状钙质结核,结核有时呈空洞状,表面常呈疙瘩状,有灰绿色斑纹,局部有浅灰绿色薄夹层。属晚中新世晚期地层。该化石点为三趾马动物群化石的代表性产地。产剑齿虎、和政羊、鬣狗头等三趾马动物群化石,多为较完整的骨架、头骨、肢骨、牙齿和椎体,已剥露的化石分布区面积达 11000 m2,该点还有保存良好的化石采洞,是了解化石原始产出状态和采掘过程的最佳地点。目前该遗址处已建设桦林古动物化石埋藏原址馆,埋藏原址馆建筑面积近 1 万平方米。

The fossil site is located at Hualin, Songming Town of Hezheng County. The fossil layer is a set of lacustrine deposits, nearly light brown massive argillaceous siltstone, containing manyirregular-shaped calcareous nodules, which are sometimes hollow and the surface of which is often lumpy, along with gray-green stripes, locally with light gray-green thin interlayer. It belongs to the late Miocene strata. This fossil site is the only intensively exposed spot in the park and is a typical place for the fossils of the hipparion fauna. The fossils of the Machairodus, Hezhengia, Hyaena and other hipparion fauna are mostly complete skeletons, skulls, limb bones, teeth and vertebral bodies. The well-preserved fossil mining caves are the best place to learn about the original production status of fossils and the mining process. Currently, the Hualin ancient animal fossil burial origin museum has been built in the site, covering a construction area of nearly 10,000 m2.