临夏砖雕 Linxia brick carving 
地址:甘肃省临夏回族自治州临夏市红园街道红园新村路北八巷24号西关街道新兴社区党群服务中心 Address:




Linxia brick carving is one of the treasures in Linxia folk cultures, it is a concentrated embodiment of the unique classical architectural decoration art of Linxia, and a vivid reflection of the superb carving skills of local folk artists. Linxia brick carving has a long history, started from the Qin and the Han dynasties lasting for a thousand year and has become mature in the Song and the Jin dynasties. It entered the boom period in the Ming and the Qing dynasties and has become perfect now.

Linxia brick carvings are mainly used in religious buildings such as temples and public buildings such as traditional residential buildings. Pinching and carving are two main techniques. The content of brick carvings are rich and colorful, which mainly demonstrate living and working habit of local people. 

Linxia brick carving is a kind of comprehensive three-dimensional art integrating painting, poetry, calligraphy, printing and carving. It covers almost all categories of traditional Chinese literature and art, and enjoys high ornamental and aesthetic value.