永靖王氏“打铁花” Wang's Iron Flowers in Yongjing
地址:甘肃省临夏回族自治州永靖县刘家峡镇永靖县永靖县人民政府 Address:



Spoons of hot molten iron hitting by the craftsman turned into iron flowers and bloomed brightly in the night sky. It is a folk tradition of Yongjing county to play iron flowers during the beginning of the new year. Among the craftsmen, The craftsman from Wang’s family is the most important. This traditional folk performance is actually supported by hard core technique, which is the "Yongjing Wang’s pig iron smelting and casting technique" selected as a national intangible cultural heritage.

It is understood that "flower" and "getting rich" are homonymous in Chinese taking the meaning of "Beating flowers and flowers, more and more rich". Beating iron flowers not only contains people's good wishes for blessing and auspiciousness, but also shows the craftsman spirit of folk pig iron smelting and casting traditional skills.There are three main steps for Wang's Iron Flowers in Yongjing, setting up a flower shed, setting up colors and striking flowers.When pig iron turns into molten iron, Wang's craftsmewith great talent of smelting and casting heritage use "flower sticks" to hit the molten iron into the sky, and the hot molten iron bursts out in the air which like fairy maiden scattering flowers, like stars all over the sky, like dreams and illusions, that is incredible beautiful.