临夏地质公园地质遗迹保护现状 Current situation of geological heritage protection

自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,地质研究采掘发现的古动物化石就被逐渐收集到当地文化馆。从 1995 年开始,该区先后建立了省级自然保护区、国家地质公园等,将现今临夏地质公园的古生物化石产地和黄河三峡纳入到保护范畴。2006 年,临夏州常委颁布实施了《甘肃省临夏回族自治州古生物化石保护条例》,这是中国首部施行的保护古生物化石资源的地方性法规,不仅对切实保护古生物化石资源起到积极作用,而且对提高临夏州知名度、促进旅游业、推动经济社会各项事业的发展具有十分重要的意义。还先后出台了《刘家峡白垩纪恐龙足印群省级自然保护区总体规划》、《甘肃和政古生物化石国家地质公园规划》、《甘肃炳灵丹霞国家地质公园规划》、《甘肃黄河三峡湿地省级自然保护区功能区划》等,建立了依法授权的地质遗迹分类分级保护设施。在刘家峡恐龙足印群 1 号点和桦林三趾马动物群化石点,分别建设了原址埋藏馆对足印化石和古动物化石进行保护。在部分地质遗迹点,还装设有实时监控,防止人为破坏地质遗迹并监测自然条件对地质遗迹的威胁状况。地质公园内禁止一切与保护地质遗迹无关的建设项目。早在 2002 年,临夏就开始建设国家地质公园,多年的地质公园建设和发展,促进了当地经济的发展,提高了当地居民的地质遗产保护意识。目前,《临夏地质公园总体规划》即将出台,也将进一步有助于地质公园地质遗迹的保护。总体上,临夏的古生物化石、丹霞地貌、黄河三峡、水体景观、湿地等都得到了充分和有效的保护。

Since the 1980s, the mammalian fossils excavated for geological research have been gradually collected in the local cultural museums. Since 1995, a provincial nature reserve, one provincial and two national geoparks have been established in Linxia, which include the fossils sites in Linxia Geopark and the Three Gorges of the Yellow River. In 2006, the 10th Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Gansu Province approved and implemented the “Regulations on the protection of paleontological fossils in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province”, which is the first local regulation for the protection of the fossil resources in China. It not only plays a positive role in the protection of fossil resources, but also plays an important role in improving the popularity of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, promoting local tourism and promoting the development of economic and other social undertakings. In addition, It has also issued the General planning of Liujixia Cretaceous Dinosaur Footprints Group Provincial Nature Reserve, Planning of Gansu Hezheng Paleontological Fossil National Geopark, and Planning of Gansu Bingling Danxia National Geopark, Function Division of Yellow River Three Gorges Wetland Nature Reserve in Gansu Province, and established classified and graded protection facilities for geoheritage authorized according to laws. In Liujiaxia dinosaur footprint site No. 1 and Hualin Hipparion locality in Hezheng County, the original site burial museums were built to protect footprints and mammalian fossils respectively. In some geoheritage sites, real-time monitoring facilities are set up to prevent man-made destruction of geoheritage and monitor the threat of natural conditions to geosites. All construction projects unrelated to the protection of geoheritage are prohibited in the geopark. As early as 2002, the local government of Linxia began to build the national geopark. The construction and development of geopark for many years has promoted the development of local economy and enhanced the awareness of residents to protect geoheritage. Overall, Linxia paleontological fossils, Danxia landform, the Three Gorges of the Yellow River, water landscape, and wetlands and so on have been fully and effectively protected.