地质遗迹保护管理规定 Regulations on the protection and management of geological relics
第一章 总 则
第二条 本规定适用于中华人民共和国领域及管辖海域内的各类地质遗迹。
第三条 本规定中所称地质遗迹,是指在地球演化的漫长地质历史时期,由于各种内外动力地质作用,形成、发展并遗留下来的珍贵的、不可再生的地质自然遗产
第四条 被保护的地质遗迹是国家的宝贵财富,任何单位和个人不得破坏、挖掘、买卖或以其他形式转让。
第五条 地质遗迹的保护是环境保护的一部分,应实行“积极保护、合理开发”的原则。
第六条 国务院地质矿产行政主管部门在国务院环境保护行政主管部门协助下,对全国地质遗迹保护实施监督管理。县级以上人民政府地质矿产行政主管部门在同级环境保护行政主管部门协助下,对本辖区内的地质遗迹保护实施监督管理 [1] 
第二章 地质遗迹的保护内容
第七条 下列地质遗迹应当予以保护:
七、需要保护的其他地质遗迹。 [1] 
第三章 地质遗迹的保护区的建设
第八条 对具有国际、国内和区域性典型意义的地质遗迹,可建立国家级、省级、县级地质遗迹保护段、地质遗迹保护点或地质公园,以下统称地质遗迹保护区。
第九条 地质遗迹保护区的分级标准:
第十条 地质遗迹保护区的申报和审批:
第十一条 保护程度的划分:
三级保护:对具一定价值的地质遗迹实施三级保护。经设立该级地质遗迹保护区的人民政府地质矿产行政主管部门批准,可组织开展旅游活动。 [1] 
第四章 地质遗迹保护区的管理
第十二条 国务院地质矿产行政主管部门拟定国家地质遗迹保护区发展规划,经国务院环境保护行政主管部门审查签署意见,由国务院计划部门综合平衡后报国务院批准实施。县级以上人民政府地质矿产行政主管部门拟定本辖区内地质遗迹保护区发展规划,经同级环境保护行政主管部门审查签署意见,由同级计划部门综合平衡后报同级人民政府批准实施。
第十三条 建立地质遗迹保护区应当兼顾保护对象的完整性及当地经济建设和群众生产、生活的需要。
第十四条 地质遗迹保护区的范围和界限由批准建立该保护区的人民政府确定、埋设固定标志并发布公告。未经原审批机关批准,任何单位和个人不得擅自移动、变更碑石、界标。
第十五条 地质遗迹保护区的管理可采取以下形式:
第十六条 地质遗迹保护区管理机构的主要职责:
第十七条 任何单位和个人不得在保护区内及可能对地质遗迹造成影响的一定范围内进行采石、取土、开矿、放牧、砍伐以及其它对保护对象有损害的活动。未经管理机构批准,不得在保护区范围内采集标本和化石。
第十八条 不得在保护区内修建与地质遗迹保护无关的厂房或其他建筑设施;对已建成并可能对地质遗迹造成污染或破坏的设施,应限期治理或停业外迁。
第十九条 管理机构可根据地质遗迹的保护程度,批准单位或个人在保护工区范围内从事科研、教学及旅游活动。所取得的科研成果应向地质遗迹保护管理机构提交副本存档。 [1] 
第五章 法律责任
第二十条 有下列行为之一者,地质遗迹保护区管理机构可根据《中华人民共和国自然保护区条例》的有关规定,视不同情节,分别给予警告、罚款、没收非法所得,并责令赔偿损失。
第二十一条 对管理人员玩忽职守、监守自盗,破坏遗迹者,上级行政主管部门应给予行政处分,构成犯罪的依法追究刑事责任
第二十二条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以提起行政复议行政诉讼 [1] 
第六章 附 则
第二十三条 本规定由地质矿产部负责解释。
第二十四条 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府地质矿产行政主管部门可根据本规定制定地方实施细则。
第二十五条 本规定自颁布之日起施行。 [1] 
Chapter I General Provisions

Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to all kinds of geological relics within the territory of the people's Republic of China and the sea areas under its jurisdiction.

Article 3 the term "geological relics" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the precious and non renewable geological and natural heritage formed, developed and left over by various internal and external dynamic geological processes during the long geological history of the earth's evolution.

Article 4 the protected geological relics are the precious wealth of the state. No unit or individual may destroy, excavate, sell or transfer them in other forms.

Article 5 the protection of geological relics is a part of environmental protection, and the principle of "active protection and reasonable development" shall be implemented.

Article 6 the administrative department of Geology and mineral resources under the State Council shall, with the assistance of the administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council, exercise supervision and administration over the protection of geological relics throughout the country. The administrative department of Geology and mineral resources of the people's government at or above the county level shall, with the assistance of the administrative department of environmental protection at the same level, supervise and administer the protection of geological relics within its jurisdiction. [1]

Chapter II protection of geological relics

Article 7 the following geological relics shall be protected:

1、 Typical stratotype sections (including sub stratotype sections), stratigraphic sections of fossil assemblage zones, lithologic and lithofacies formation sections, and typical geological structural sections and structural features are of great scientific research value for tracing geological history.

2、 Fossils and places of origin, such as ancient humans and vertebrates, invertebrates, micro paleontology, ancient plants, and important traces of paleontological activities with important scientific and cultural value for geological evolution and biology.

3、 Karst, Danxia, loess, Yadan, granite peak, quartz sandstone peak forest, volcano, iceberg, meteorite, Mingsha, coast and other peculiar geological landscapes with great scientific research and ornamental value.

4、 Rocks, minerals, gemstones and other typical producing areas with special subject research and ornamental value.

5、 It has unique medical and health care functions or scientific research value, hot springs, mineral springs, mineral mud, groundwater traces, and waterfalls, lakes and strange springs with special geological significance.

6、 Typical earthquake, ground fissure, collapse, subsidence, collapse, landslide, debris flow and other geological disaster remains with scientific research significance.

7、 Other geological relics that need to be protected. [1]

Chapter III construction of protected areas for geological relics

Article 8 for geological relics of typical international, domestic and regional significance, national, provincial and county-level geological heritage protection sections, geological heritage protection points or geoparks may be established, hereinafter referred to as geological heritage protection areas.

Article 9 the grading standards for geological heritage protection areas are as follows:

National level:

1、 Geological relics that can provide important geological evidence for a major geological historical event or evolution stage in a large region or even the global evolution process.

2、 Typical sections, fossils and producing areas with international or domestic significance of regional stratigraphic (structural) correlation.

3、 Geological landscapes or phenomena with typical international or domestic geological significance.


1、 Geological relics that can provide important geological evidence for the evolution stage of regional geological history.

2、 Typical section, fossil and origin with regional stratigraphic (structural) correlation significance.

3、 In terms of geological division and classification, geological landscape with representative or high historical, cultural and tourism value.


1、 Typical sections and fossil producing areas with scientific research value within the scope of the county.

2、 Geological landscape or geological phenomenon with characteristics in a small area.

Article 10 application and examination and approval of geological heritage protection areas:

The establishment of a national geological heritage protection area shall be applied for by the administrative department of Geology and mineral resources under the State Council or the people's Government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government where the geological relics are located. After being evaluated by the members of the National Nature Reserve, the administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall examine and sign opinions, and submit them to the State Council for approval and announcement.

The competent department of Geology and mineral resources under the State Council shall apply to the relevant competent administrative department under the State Council for the state-level geological heritage reserves to be included in the list of world natural heritage.

For the establishment of a provincial geological heritage protection area, an application shall be submitted by the people's Government of the prefecture (city), county (city) where the geological relics are located or the administrative department of Geology and mineral resources at the same level. After being evaluated by the provincial nature reserve assessment committee, the environmental protection administrative department of the people's Government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government shall examine and sign the opinions, and report to the people's Government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government for approval publish.

An application for the establishment of a county-level geological heritage protection area shall be submitted by the geological and mineral administrative department of the people's government at the county level where the geological relics are located. After being evaluated by the county-level nature reserve assessment committee, the administrative department of environmental protection of the county (city) people's Government shall examine and sign the opinions, and report to the people's government at the county (city) level for approval and announcement.

An application for the establishment of a geological protection zone for geological relics spanning more than two administrative regions shall be submitted by the people's Government of the relevant administrative region or the administrative department for geology and mineral resources at the same level after reaching a consensus through consultation, and shall be examined and approved in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the preceding three paragraphs.

Article 11 division of degree of protection:

The geological relics in the reserve can be protected at the first, second and third levels respectively.

First level protection: the geological relics with extremely rare and important scientific value at home and abroad shall be protected at first level, and shall not be allowed to enter without approval. With the approval of the administrative department of Geology and mineral resources of the people's government that establishes such a geological heritage protection zone, it may organize visits, scientific research or international exchanges.

Secondary protection: the implementation of geological relics with important scientific value in a large area