临夏地质公园《关于节约资源 保护地球的倡议书》

Proposal on Saving Resources and Protecting the Earth by Linxia Geopark

来源: From: 2023-03-30 浏览次数:6524 Views:6524




2、倡导低碳生活习惯。树立绿色价值观念,提倡坚持节俭理性的工作、生活方式,养成节约资源、保护环境的绿色生活习惯,自觉选择低碳生活。积极采用绿色出行方式,更多选择公共交通、 自行车和步行方式等绿色出行方式。  









To the residents of the whole prefecture

In the world today, ecological and environmental issues are increasingly prominent, and Earth resources are increasingly scarce. Linxia Prefecture is also facing a test. As an aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark, it is our unshirkable responsibility to save resources and protect the Earth. In order to fully and accurately implement the development concept of "Celebrating the earth heritage and susantaining local comunities" for the global geopark, Linxia Geopark has issued a proposal to the entire state, energy conservation, emission reduction, low-carbon life, Protect the earth, our home on which we live!

1. Launch mutual monitoring activities. Pay attention to the waste of energy and resources around us, participate in the supervision of energy conservation and emission reduction, and provide reasonable feedback through participating in "rational suggestions” to promote green and low-carbon life.

2. Advocate low-carbon lifestyle habits. Establish green values, advocate a frugal and rational work and lifestyle, cultivate a green lifestyle of saving resources and protecting the environment, and consciously choose a low-carbon life. Actively adopt green travel methods, and choose more green travel methods such as public transportation, bicycles, and walking.

3. Leading green consumption fashion. Actively participate in various commemorative days such as "March 28 World Energy Conservation Day", April 22 World Earth Day, May 31 World No Tobacco Day, and June 5 World Environment Day, to form a sustainable and low consumption green consumption model, as well as a new green fashion of reasonable shopping, moderate consumption, and healthy life.

4. Promote the recycling of work and life resources. Vigorously promote garbage classification and recycling projects in families and public places, actively cooperate with the promotion of new garbage classification and collection containers, take the lead in participating, promote the cultivation of public awareness throughout society, and promote the recycling of resources in the field of life.

5. Carry out actions to save water and electricity. Promote activities to save one cup of water and one kilowatt hour of electricity every day, cultivate awareness and ability to save water and electricity, and contribute to saving and protecting water and electricity resources through specific environmental practices.

6. Pay attention to air quality and emission pollution, cooperate with relevant departments to carry out actions to prohibit fireworks and burning junks, guide visitors to the park to protect tourism resources, and play an exemplary role in promoting the construction of the Global Geopark.

"Save resources and protect the earth". Let's start from ourselves, start from small things and act together! Fully support the application and creation of the Aspiring Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark with my own practical actions.