黄洮交汇 Confluence of Yellow River and Tao River
发布时间: 2020-08-13 15:02:59 Add Time: 2020-08-13 15:02:59

在永靖县龙汇山,黄河、洮河两条河汇聚处我们看到一个独立的小山峰,好似两条巨龙戏耍的明珠一般,故而此地得名——二龙戏珠。 洮河发源于青海省海南蒙古族自治县西倾山下,它出青海、穿甘南、越临洮,从吧咪山角流过,洮河河床坡度很大,水势湍急,因此它的水性骄横狂野,它带着黄土高原冲刷下来的泥沙,在这里客串了“黄河”,与这里澄清的黄河水交汇,碰撞出奇妙的景象,形成一道“泾渭分明”的风景线,极为特别。

The Tao River originates from the Xiqin Moutain in Hainan Mongolian autonomous county in Qinghai province, which runs through Qinghai,Gannan and Lintao. Because of steep slope of the Tao river,it flows quickly with sand and mud. When the Tao River with the color of yellow meets the Yellow river with the color of blue, it forms a magnificent scenery of confluence of the Yellow river and the Tao river.