临夏地质公园与张掖国家地质公园缔结姊妹公园 Zhangye Geopark signed sister park agreement with Linxia Geopark
发布时间: 2020-07-01 11:00:51 Add Time: 2020-07-01 11:00:51


会上,观看了《祁连明珠 多彩张掖》张掖地质公园宣传片。张掖丹霞大景区管委会副主任、张掖国家地质公园管理局局长祝鹏先同志介绍了张掖世界地质公园申报创建工作经验。双方正式签订缔结姊妹公园协议,未来将在相互宣传、共享研究成果、地质遗迹资源保护、科学管理技术、人才培训计划等领域进行深入探讨,使双方获得更多发展机会,实现互利共赢。


On 15th June, Zhangye Geopark held symposium and sister geopark signing ceremony with Linxia Geopark. During the symposium, attendees watched the advertising video of Zhangye Geopark. And the representative from Zhangye Geopark shared experienceson the application of Zhangye UGGP Global Geopark.The two parks signed sister geopark agreement and will have further discussion on mutual promotion, research achievements sharing, geoheritage preservation, scientific management, staff training plan to obtain more opportunities and create win-win situation.The representative from Linxia Geopark indicated that during this training in Zhangye, staff from Linxia Geopark have found direction, learnt methods and advanced work concept and he sincerely invited Zhangye Geopark to Linxia Geopark for exchanging and studying. Meanwhile, he made an abundant introduction on geoheritage preservation, science popularization education, geoscience tourism and publicity in Linxia Geopark, which build foundation for further cooperation.Both parks had a discussion on geoheritage preservationinfrastructure construction and institution managementespecially aspects of interpretation and indication system, science popularization gallery and geopark publicity.The representative from Zhangye Geopark emphasized that two parks should strengthen cooperation to promote mutual development and wished a success to Linxia Geopark’s application.