甘肃五山池黄酒有限责任公司简介 Gansu Wushanchi Yellow Rice Wine Co., Ltd
发布时间: 2023-06-11 10:52:12 Add Time: 2023-06-11 10:52:12

甘肃五山池黄酒有限责任公司占地面积 18685 平方米,现有职工 68 人,主营黄,兼营白酒和桶(瓶)装水饮料;已形成年产系列黄酒5000吨、白酒1000吨,矿泉水饮料10000吨的生产规模。

Gansu Wushanchi Yellow Rice Wine Co., Ltd covers an area of 18,685 square meters.The company has 68 employees, mainly engaged in yellow rice wine, and in white wine and barrel (bottled) water drinks. It has formed an annual production scale of 5,000 tons of series of yellow rice wine, 1,000 tons of liquor and 10,000 tons of mineral water drinks.