Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark
The Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark is located in Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, with an area of 2120 square kilometers. It spans two natural areas, the arid region of the Loess Plateau and the high cold and humid region of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. It is a comprehensive geopark characterized by the footprints of Cretaceous dinosaurs and the Late Cenozoic paleofauna, supplemented by the Late Cenozoic strata, northern Danxia landforms, and the Yellow River Three Gorges landscape. It integrates local ethnic minority cultures and integrates geology, ecology, and culture. There are 79 geological relics and more than 30 cultural landscapes in the park, including 1 World Cultural Heritage Site, 5 sites with world-class scientific value, and 1 national 5A level scenic spot. The rare and unique geological relics, diverse and rich cultural landscapes, ancient and rich ethnic customs, and beautiful and magnificent natural scenery in the park are the preferred places for scientific exploration, popular science education, leisure and entertainment and understanding of multi-ethnic cultures!
- 临夏世界地质公园新发现白垩纪微小型恐龙足迹化石 属中国西北首次 Cretaceous small dinosaur footprints found in Linxia Global Geopark which is first time in northwest China 2024-8-16
- 走进地质大观园 感受亿万年奇观 Let’s appreciate immemorial wonders in geopark 2024-6-13
- 5·19中国旅游日暨临夏世界地质公园开园仪式 May 19 China Tourism Day & Opening Ceremony for Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark 2024-5-20
- 联合国教科文组织官宣:临夏地质公园成功晋级世界地质公园! UNESCO officially named Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark! 2024-3-28
- 临夏世界地质公园和政古动物化石博物馆讲解员荣获甘肃省2024年自然资源科普讲解大赛二等奖 The Guide of Linxia Global Geopark Hezheng Paleozoological Museum won the second prize 2024-4-19
- 临夏盆地中新世一可能的新犬熊 A possible new amphicyonid from the Miocene of the Linxia Basin 2024-3-27
- 临夏州落实“四强化”做好野生动植物保护工作 Linxia Prefecture does a good job in protecting wildlife and plants 2024-3-07
- 2023年中国联合国教科文组织世界地质公园年会顺利召开 The 2023 UNESCO Global Geopark Annual Conference in China was successfully held 2023-11-06
- 临夏世界地质公园博物馆 暑期延长开放时间啦 Opening Hours in Linxia Global Geopark Museum was extended during Summer Vacation 2024-08-02
- 临夏世界地质公园获奖啦 2024-07-25
- 热烈祝贺甘肃和政哺乳动物化石群列入世界遗产预备名录! Warmly celebrate Hezheng Mammalian Fossil Sites in UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List 2024-06-13
- 临夏地质公园成功申报联合国教科文组织世界地质公园 Linxia Geopark successfully become a UNESCO Global Geopark 2024-03-28
- 探索地质遗迹,走进地球花园丨第五届亚太地质公园周暨第55个世界地球日“友好姊妹公园互展互动”系列科普活动启动! The 5th Asia Pacific Geopark Week and the 55th World Earth Day "Friendly Sister Park Exhibition and Interaction" series of science popularization activities have been launched! 2024-04-20
- 重磅预告!文明汇聚·光耀河州——史前文化临夏论坛即将在临夏举办! Important announcement in advance! Accumulated civilization and brilliantly Hezhou ----The Linxia forum of prehistoric culture is going to held in Linxia 2023-05-04
- 2023中国花儿大会6月13日开幕,一起相约共赴这场盛会 The 2023 China Hua’er Festival will open on June 13th, and let’s go to this grand event together 2023-06-12
- 2023年永靖县文化、旅游节庆活动计划表 Cultural and tourism festival schedule of Yongjing County in 2023 2023-04-26
- 暑期临夏世界地质公园-黄河文化博物馆 研学游持续升温 The Educational Tourism is rising a heat wave In summer holiday at The Yellow River Cultural Museum of Linxia Global Geopark 2024-7-25
- 临夏世界地质公园—和政花海上线,等你来打卡 Hezheng Flowers in Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark are blooming 2024-7-18
- 临夏世界地质公园黄河永靖段发现野生“娃娃鱼” The wild giant salamander is discovered in the section of the Yellow River in Linxia UGGp 2024-7-11
- 临夏世界地质公园博物馆“研学热” The Educational Excursion Heat in Linxia Geopark Museum 2024-6-19
- 去刘家峡恐龙馆研学探秘,体验别样“六一” Go to Educational Excursion and explore in Liujiaxia Dinosaur Museum of Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark and spend a special Children’s Day 2024-6-06
- 临夏市第一中学举办“我家住在临夏世界地质公园”英语写作大赛 An English writing competition,"I live in Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark", was held in Linxia City No.1 Middle School 2024-5-23
- 五一回眸丨打卡临夏地质公园博物馆,乐享地质科普盛宴 Looking Back on May Day Holiday | Check in at the Linxia Geopark Museum and Enjoy a Feast of Geoscience Popularization 2024-5-08
- 临夏世界地质公园参加世界地质公园网络迎新活动 Linxia UGGP participates UNESCO Global Geoparks Welcome Digital Event 2024-4-24
Chuanxi Community
Founded in May 1985, Chuanxi Community is located in the former city center of Yongjing County. It has a total land area of 1.2 square kilometers. The Yellow River flows right by the community . It is the political, economic and cultural center of Yongjing County. In recent years, as the environment improvement and the application for the membership of UGGp, the environmental protection awareness of local people has been significantly enhanced. The community and other relevant organizations carry out a series of publicity activities on the protection of geoheritage, which has enhanced the geoheritage protection consciousness of the surrounding residents.
Xijie Community
Xijie Community was established in March 2017. It starts from the residential building of the former hospital in the east part of the county, faces Dayangjia Village in Chengguan Town in the west, connecting Lanlang Road in the south and close to Guangtong River in the north. Because the relocation community is in the west part of Guanghe County, in order to facilitate the management and service for the poor families and residents there, Xijie Community was founded. In recent years, they have carried out comprehensive labor training for relocated people, guided the people to participate in skills training such as making beef noodles and Chinese pastry, driving excavators, welding, fabric sewing and so on. In order that they established good social atmosphere, created happy social environment, promoted economic development and built a new civilized as well as healthy community.
Hebei Community
Hebei Community Service Center was established in December 2015. It is the earliest urban community in the county. Hebei Community is located in the north of Guangtong River in Guanghe County. In recent years, the community has carried out training on the labor force of local people who moved here from other places. They also guided the relocated people to participate in the skills training of driving excavators, making beef noodles and mutton as well as sewing.