公园简介 Park Profile
临夏世界地质公园 Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark
临夏世界地质公园位于甘肃省临夏州境内,地跨黄土高原干旱区、青藏高原高寒阴湿区两大自然区,公园占地面积2120平方千米。是以白垩纪恐龙足印和晚新生代古动物群为突出代表,以晚新生代地层、北方丹霞地貌和黄河三峡景观为重要补充,并融合当地特色少数民族文化,集地质、生态、文化为一体的综合型地质公园。公园内有地质遗迹79处,人文景观30余处,其中列入世界文化遗产1处,具有世界级科学价值的遗迹点5处,国家5A级景区1处。公园内珍奇而独特的地质遗迹,多样而丰富的人文景观,古朴而浓郁的民族风情,优美而壮丽的自然风光,是科学考察、科普教育、休闲娱乐、领悟多民族文化的首选场所! The Linxia UNESCO Global Geopark is located in Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, with an area of 2120 square kilometers. It spans two natural areas, the arid region of the Loess Plateau and the high cold and humid region of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. It is a comprehensive geopark characterized by the footprints of Cretaceous dinosaurs and the Late Cenozoic paleofauna, supplemented by the Late Cenozoic strata, northern Danxia landforms, and the Yellow River Three Gorges landscape. It integrates local ethnic minority cultures and integrates geology, ecology, and culture. There are 79 geological relics and more than 30 cultural landscapes in the park, including 1 World Cultural Heritage Site, 5 sites with world-class scientific value, and 1 national 5A level scenic spot. The rare and unique geological relics, diverse and rich cultural landscapes, ancient and rich ethnic customs, and beautiful and magnificent natural scenery in the park are the preferred places for scientific exploration, popular science education, leisure and entertainment and understanding of multi-ethnic cultures!
  • 临夏世界地质公园.天然植物园 Linxia Global Geopark.Natural Botanical Garden

  • 临夏世界地质公园--齐家文化博物馆 Linxia Global Geopark--Qijia Culture Museum

  • 永靖王氏“打铁花” Wang's Iron Flowers in Yongjing

  • 地理中国.千面奇崖 China Geography.Fantastic Cliff

  • 瑶台仙境--炳灵石林 Yaotai Fairyland--Bingling Stone Forest

  • 度假圣地 Holy resort

  • 黄河三峡 Three Gorges of the Yellow River

  • 地理中国.绝壁洞窟 China Geography. Cliff Grottoes

炳灵湖(刘家峡水库) Bingling Lake(Liujiaxia reservoir )

红园 Hongyuan Park

刘家峡水电站 Liujiaxia Hydropower Station

太极岛 Taichi Island

东郊公园 Dongjiao Park

炳灵丹霞 Bingling Danxia Landform

60里牡丹长廊 Linxia Peony Corridor

八坊十三巷 Ba Fang Shi San Hang (Bafang thirteen lanes)

南龙镇妥家村金色草滩 The Golden Grass Land, Tuojia Village, Nanlong Town (In Linxia city)

法台山 Fatai Mountain

临夏地质公园博物馆 Linxia Geopark Museum

齐家文化数字博物馆 Qijia culture digital museum

和政古动物化石数字博物馆 Hezheng Paleozoological Fossil Digital Museum

桦林古动物化石埋藏原址馆 Hualin Ancient Animal on-site Fossils Museum

马家窑彩陶博物馆 Museum of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture

齐家文化博物馆 Qijia Culture Museum

黄河文化博览馆 Introduction of the Yellow River Culture Exhibition Hall

和政古动物化石博物馆 Introduction of Hezheng Ancient Animal Fossil Museum


The formation of fossils

临夏地质公园内广泛分布着发育良好的晚新生代地层,其中蕴藏着极为丰富的古脊椎动物化石,已发现的化石出露点多达 100 多处,涵盖了和政县、广河县、东乡县、临夏县和积石山县的部分地区。已产出的化石中尤以巨犀动物群(距今约 3000 万年)、铲齿象动物群(距今约 1600 万 ~1200 万年)、 三趾马动物群(距今约 1200 万 ~600 万年)、真马动物群(距今约 200 万年)最为丰富。临夏古动物群化石数量之丰富、种类之繁多、保存之完好世界罕见,被古生物学界誉为“高原史书”“东方瑰宝”。

Paleontological fossils refer to the biological and active remains, including plants, animal fossils and trace fossils, which formed and existed in the strata during the prehistoric geological history of mankind. In short, the fossils are  stones which formed from the remains of organisms living in the distant past. Paleontological fossils are the witness of the earth’s history, important geoheritage, scientific basis for the study of biological origin and evolution.Beside, they are non-renewable natural heritage. The well-developed late Cenozoic strata which contains abundant fossil vertebrates widely distributed in Linxia Geopark. More than 100 fossil outcrops have been found, covering areas of Hezheng County, Guanghe County, Dongxiang County, Linxia County and Jishishan county. Among the fossils that have been produced which are the most abundant included as follows: the giant rhinoceros fauna (about 30 million years ago), shovel tooth elephant fauna (about 16 million ~ 12 million years ago), three-toed horse fauna (about 12 million ~ 6 million years ago) and real horse fauna (about 2 million years ago). Linxia paleofauna is rare in the world because of its abundant quantity, various species and being well preserved. It is known as “plateau history book” and “oriental treasure” by paleontologists.

临夏气象 四、《交流与互助》 作者:马廉朴 购买链接:http://product.dangdang.com/11163185688.html http://product.suning.com/0070171878/107586051.html 七、《中国脱贫攻坚调研报告—临夏篇》 作者:王永明 购买链接:http://product.dangdang.com/29162228.html 作者:韩维礼 购买链接:http://product.dangdang.com/11416779418.html 十、《甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世副竹鼠类》 作者:邱占祥等 购买链接:http://product.dangdang.com/25304254.html 十二、《临夏之韵》 作者:赵永正 购买链接:http://product.dangdang.com/11422835780.html 作者:董克义 购买链接:http://product.dangdang.com/11045162193.html 沈国伟等 购买链接:http://product.dangdang.com/11223337843.html 1.  Author:Writing Group of  Buy linkshttp://product.dangdang.com/11358382065.html 2. Linxia Meterology Author: Buy linkshttp://product.dangdang.com/11422811140.html Saerta Affection Zhong Xiang :Communication and Mutual Aid Ma Lianpo :Selected Short Stories of Linxia Author: Buy linksThe language Pattern on Hui nationality Chinese Dialect of Linxia Author: Buy linkshttp://product.dangdang.com/11365021559.html 7. Author: Buy linkshttp://product.dangdang.com/29162228.html 8.  Author: Buy linkshttp://product.dangdang.com/11416779418.html 9. Jin Youlu Etc. :Pararhizomys of Late Miocene in Linxia Basin of Gansu Qiu Zhanxiang Etc. :Mountain and Sea-Siming and Linxia Education Coordination Catalogue Author: Buy linkshttp://product.dangdang.com/29155641.html The Rhythm of Linxia Author: Buy linkshttp://product.dangdang.com/11422835780.html 13. Author: Buy linkshttp://product.dangdang.com/11045162193.html 14. Author: Buy links


Yongjing County Youth Activity Center


Yongjing County Youth Activity Center was completed and put into use in June 2017. It is a comprehensive youth extracurricular education activity organization under Yongjing County Education Bureau. The activity center is located by the beautiful Taiji lake, which can accommodate 1500 people to carry out activities at the same time. It is the large youth activity center with the highest construction standard in Linxia Prefecture. The activity center focuses on the healthy growth of young people, gives full play to the role of young people's extracurricular education activities, focuses on public benefit activities, supplemented by specialty training, adheres to the educational ideal of "seeking truth through science and technology, seeking beauty through art, and seeking goodness through humanity", and aims at comprehensively improving the core quality of young people, so as to make every child grow up healthily and happily in the activities.

  • 中国临夏地质公园总体规划 Overall planning of China Linxia Geopark Authoring Group

  • 临夏地质公园地质遗迹保护现状 Current situation of geological heritage protection

  • 地质遗迹保护的法律基础 Legal protection framework

  • 地质遗迹保护管理规定 Regulations on the protection and management of geological relics

  • 中华人民共和国土地管理法 Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China

  • 古生物化石保护条例 Regulations on the protection of fossil Paleontology

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敦煌世界地质公园 Dunhuang UNESCO Global Geopark

龙岩地质公园 LongYan Geopark

黄冈大别山世界地质公园 Huanggang Dabieshan UNESCO Global Geopark, China

Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Asia Pacific Geoparks Network

张掖地质公园 zhangye geopark

临夏世界地质公园博物馆 暑期延长开放时间啦 Opening Hours in Linxia Global Geopark Museum was extended during Summer Vacation
 为进一步做好博物馆免费开放服务工作,满足广大观众暑期参观需求,吸引更多观众走进博物馆,丰富青少年暑期课外生活,临夏世界地质公园博物馆将于2024年7月30日至8月31日期间每天延长开放。具体安排如下:一、开放时间   周二至周日(周一闭馆)09:00—18:00(17:30停止入馆)。二、参观须知1.各位游客可以通过电话预约、现场预约、登记预约等多种方式入馆,保障老年人等特殊群体的参观需求。2.暑期为临夏世界地质公园博物馆参观高峰期,请大家在参观过程中积极配合工作人员指引,遵守文明、有序参观。3.请保持馆内安静。禁止追逐打闹,推搡拥挤、大声喧哗。4.请保持馆内清洁、卫生。禁止在展厅内吸烟、随地吐痰、乱扔果皮纸屑。     临夏世界地质公园博物馆                                                    2024年7月29日
In order to further improve the service of museum, meet the summer visit needs of the public, attract more visitors, and enrich the extracurricular life of young people during the summer, the Linxia Global Geopark Museum will be extended daily from July 30 to August 31, 2024. The specific arrangement is as follows,I. Opening hoursTuesday to Sunday (closed on Mondays)09:00-18:00 (stopped entering at 17:30). II.Notice for Visitors1. Tourists can enter the museum through various methods such as phone and on-site reservation, registration reservation, etc., to meet the visiting needs of special groups such as the elderly.2. Summer is the peak period for visiting the Linxia Global Geopark Museum. Please actively cooperate with the staff's guidance during the visit and follow the civilized and orderly approach.3. Please keep quiet. Chasing, fighting, pushing, crowding, and making loud noises are prohibited.4. Please keep the interior clean and hygienic. Smoking, spitting, and littering with fruit peels and paper scraps are prohibited in the museum.Linxia Global Geopark MuseumJuly 29, 2024 
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